Tips For Machining Bronze Bushings

Bronze Machining Latest News |By jbc-admin

Bronze is a metal that has historically been used in applications where exposure to water, and specifically to saltwater, is a factor. It is also a good choice when heat or electrical conduction is a consideration due to its copper base.

Bronze alloys are used in many different types of systems and components. Bronze is a common choice for bearings, bushings, marine components and parts, petrochemical system components as well as electrical connectors.

At JBC Machine, we have extensive experience in machining bronze bushings and other parts and components. We always customize the machining process to match the type of bronze required for the specific part and application. As there are varying degrees of difficulty in machining bronze bushings, our experience is invaluable in determining the right process to provide precision parts on your schedule.

Bronze Type

The first step in developing the ideal method for machining bronze bushings is to know the properties of the specific type of bronze. The basic types include silicon, phosphor, aluminum, manganese, and copper-nickel bronze.

Generally speaking, when it comes to bushings, the best option is bearing bronze. This bronze has between six and eight percent lead, which means it is durable in high friction or high wear types of applications. Although, depending on the specific application, it may be necessary to consider other types.

Choice of the Right Tools

A key consideration with any bronze machining is the use of quality cutting tools. Using top quality cutting tools at the right speed and feed is essential to create the precision measurements required for bushing and bearings.

If you have any questions about machining any type of bronze components, give us a call at (920) 779-4075.

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