Boring Operation Services Designed to Suit Your Needs

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In preparing a tool or other items during machining, various boring operations may occur. Among the more common is hole making. The boring is performed by a boring bar – which can contain various configurations of single-point cutting tools. This process occurs as a component during machining. However, it can also be an additional or secondary machining process performed on a pre-existing component, including on holes formed during such processes as forging or casting.

Purpose of Boring Operation

Boring is the manipulation of a hole in solid material using a specific device or devices to make it larger in some fashion. Also referred to as internal turning, it is described as accomplishing one of these three purposes:

  1. Size and Surface Finishing: Boring is employed to produce a hole of the proper size and finish. Usually entails using a boring bar to achieve a “standard.” The boring tool for this intent will provide the desired finish to the hole by adjusting any of these three:
    • Speed
    • Feed
    • Nose radius
  2. Straighten: By engaging the right boring operation, the operator will “straighten” the hole as originally cast or drilled, a fault too common among longer drills. The hole that emerges may be jagged and walk off location making it not desirable for the role of the component.
  3. Roundness and Concentricity: Operations such as casting or drilling can leave a hole in an out of round condition such as egg shaped. Using boring tools in this fashion involves making the hole of the item round and in some cases concentric to outside features of the component.

Boring Machines

Boring machines fulfill several roles. At JBC Machine, we provide several boring services using one of the many options available to our operators. With our diverse machine lineup and boring tooling selection, we are able to perform many types of boring operations on our lathes, mills and VMCs.

Boring Operation

At JBC Machine, we understand the various types of boring. With the capabilities of our machines and the experience and skill of our professionals, we can provide boring operation services on components of diverse sizes, shapes and material that meet the specific needs of our customers.

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